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May 04, 2011


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Jeff Shattuck

You're making a difference for people, how cool is that?



I'm a regular of yours- 24 and single in Washington state. :) I generally feel that I fit in with most of your examples or quips. As for other Sara- I definitely feel. I have RA, Fibro & recently diagnosed with Narcolepsy on top of it all. The last 3 days have been horrible- my body barely allowing me to be awake long enough to eat or be the tiniest bit social. Anyhow, just wanted to show my sympathies and that there are many of us who understand. I'm on long term disability- at first it was because of RA, now it is because of Narcolepsy... if I can't find something that will keep me awake, I'm scared to death I'll be applying for SSDI at the ripe age of 25. It will only give me enough to cover my mortgage payment.. how will I pay everything else- including the high price of all 10 meds I take daily? Ugh. It does help to speak about it but it also seems to bring them alive.

Thank you


I think I would have died without this link to sanity. It's so validating and essential to feel a connection to people (women) in similar circumstances and somehow surviving. Things couldn't be more different for me now than they were two years ago when I started reading your blog, but the one thing that remains unchanged is the RA. And it sucks, as always. And I continue reading, as always.


Jeff- thanks! It's kind of cool, and definitely makes it worth the effort and occasional criticism.

Casinojunkie21- Thanks for leaving a comment- always love to know who is reading the blog. I'm sorry to hear that you are having a really rough time with the narcolepsy esp- that must be difficult. And I hear you on the double edged sword of speaking about all your worries and fears. At times, it definitely helps,but it also makes them feel more present sometimes. Hang in there.

Sarah- I'm so happy that I could help in any way- and really glad that you found me and hopefully a lot of the other online resources to get support over the last two years. It does continue to suck. But then there are also good days (i hope!). take care!

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