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March 23, 2011


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Your article was so uplifting and gives me hope as I progress with my treatments, that I too may soon realize the benefits of progress.

I would love to try yoga as it was suggested, for now, I do either water therapy or gentle yoga. If you have a suggestion on a book, tape, dvd etc to help get me started, I would love to hear from you.

I love your writing and I am a new fan.
Gentle hugs.


Hi Tammy,
So glad you found me! Having company is definitely a good thing. As for yoga- what you are doing honestly sounds good to me in terms of water therapy and gentle yoga. I come from a vinyasa yoga background, so that is the kind of yoga that I practice- it's a type of yoga that focuses on linking the breath with movement, so you are moving from one pose to another rather than holding one pose for a long time, stopping and then doing another one. I follow a DVD by Cyndi Lee, who was the director of Om Yoga, where I used to practice, but it is a fairly advanced dvd, so I wouldn't recommend it someone who doesn't have a lot experience with yoga.

I would always advise that you talk to your doctor before starting any new exercise. If you like the gentle yoga you are doing, then stick with that. If you have a studio near you, I'd talk to the teachers there- let them know what your limitations are, if any, and hopefully they can help you modify anything and suggest what classes might be appropriate. I always recommend restorative yoga if you can find a class in your area- it's built to help support the immune system and to elicit the relaxation response.

Hope this helps some!


Recently found yours after looking for something other; isn't that always the way. I do not have RA specifically (tests positive every other try) and serious nerve issues (I can hurt myself just by, for example, scratching my nose with my thumb or brushing my arm in the shower at the wrong angle). The living is what is important to me, not the symptoms - yours was a good read for me at this time. Thanks for sharing.


I've been sticking with yoga for about 8 months now and I have been surprised by how my body seems to crave it. I'm not naturally a calm or centred person, but yoga helps me feel quiet and accepting, and it makes my sore, stiff body feel light and loose.

I also just love how accepting my yoga class is. We're all different and at different levels, and it's all ok. I love that I'm starting to see that attitude spill over into the rest of my life.


W.- thanks for your comment, and glad this could help in any way.

Helen-me, too, and now that I'm getting back into better shape, my yoga practice is feeling better and better- it's kind of a great, non-vicious cycle!


Great article. I've found pilates helps me in much the same way. It helps me see past that chronic illness that is always bearing down on me and envision a brighter tomorrow. Walking helps too.


Hi Peter-
Definitely- I think anything that can get us moving and seeing past our immediate moment helps to shake us up in a good way.

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