In case you hadn't noticed, I have been on vacation, in more ways than one. I've taken what seems like an endless string of small trips and mini-breaks here and there for about the last two months, with one or two longer trips thrown in. Consequently, I've also taken a default vacation from blogging! This is my attempt to make up for the last month:
As promised in my last post, I have written about my survival of a 14 hour flight to Korea and back this past June. It was my first time in Asia, and my first truly long distance flight with RA. Despite being a travel-addict, I was a bit terrified at the prospect of such a taxing flight, but I was just as determined and excited to finally check another continent off my list. Check out the article and the great comic strip that goes with it by Jane Samborski over at to find out how it all turned out.
For those of you who have been following my dating woes and windfalls, you can also read my latest article while you are there about shooting up in front of my boyfriend for the first time. The experience was a little scary, and I felt pretty exposed confronting this milestone. I'll be doing it again this weekend for the second time, and I still feel a little self-conscious about it - my own issues, not his.
On a lighter note, Savannah and Charleston were amazing over July 4th! Savannah was breathtaking and full of romance. Who wouldn't feel seduced by all those old, gorgeous squares dripping with moss and mystery.
That, mixed with the humidity of a proper summer night in the South, made for quite a relaxing start to our trip. We followed it up by heading to Charleston. I had been there once before, but was still blown away by its charm, and being there with a beau made it even more enchanting. What can I say- being in love pretty is pretty divine!
In typical Sara-fashion; however, I overindulged on all the delicious Southern fare I'm partial to, including this world famous coconut cake:
Yes. I ate that. Hence, I am back to steadfastly following my Weightwatchers regimen since (and I am admitting it here boldly) I have totally gained back all the weight I took off!!!!!! Boo hiss. Sad but undeniably true. Between saying good-bye to New York by essentially eating my way out of the city, the holidays, traveling around the world and being back in a relationship, the pounds have slowly crept back on over the last year. I'm bummed, but trying not to be discouraged. I can't really blame this one on RA, which I guess is good news, in a way.
In addition to Korea, Charleston and Savannah, I've also taken a trip back up to New York City for a bridal shower for one of my dearest friends and have been running around in the meantime between here and the D.C. area (where my boyfriend resides), and am heading out next week to the beach to see my family, so I feel like I am constantly living out of a suitcase.
Speaking of which, for those of you who follow me on Facebook, I finally landed on what I think will be the perfect new suitcase! After my last few trips, it became abundantly clear that my old suitcase was way too heavy, not to mention beat-up and outdated. So I searched methodically through tons of different suitcase options (thanks to all who shared links and suggestions) and, after getting one that seemed perfect but was, in the end, too small, I am now in possession of this 22-inch wheelie that weighs only 7 lbs, 13 oz! I'm looking forward to taking it on its first trip next week.
In other news, I have done an excellent job of recommitting to my yoga practice lately, getting up in the morning FIVE days last week and two (so far) this week to practice before going to work. It makes such a difference, so I'm going to try to keep it up as much as possible, while keeping an eye on some pesky finger swelling and wrist-ickyness that has been popping up recently. Is it the weather? Is it stress? Who knows. Maybe it's just because I have rheumatoid arthritis, and that is what rheumatoid arthritis does.
I hope everyone's summers have been going well, though perhaps at a slightly slower pace than my own (I cannot believe it is nearly August). Thanks for continuing to read even when I'm not so faithful. I am better at keeping up on my blog's Facebook Page, so if you haven't already 'liked' it, head over and do so. There is quite a bit of activity on it from lots of people around the world, so it's not just me whingeing on about annoying RA everyday-ness. I hope to see you there, and I'll try to be better about being here!
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