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October 18, 2009


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I plan to tune in & cheer for Seamus...& his victory over RA!!


Wow - I just happened to catch this show tonight and then see your post. Very cool! I'll be tuning in more to cheer him on!


holy moly that is the cutest freaking dress i've ever seen! love the bag with it!


Great post. I would have never known about the chef's RA, or yours, either! RAWarrior sent me here, since I have RA too. Congrats on your move and having a good attitude!


Hey, thanks for the info on Chef Mullen. I will check out the Iron Chef show. I had not been watching it lately. By the way super cute picture of you.


I'll have to watch out for that show!

(Also, I looooooove that dress!)


How cool! I'll have to plan a trip to NYC to eat :)

Pat Steer (Gaelen)

Wow - not only am I a huge fan of reality cooking shows, but Chef Mullen is one of my favorites on the current season of Next Iron Chef.
Mullen has mad knife skills; clearly he's following his passion in spite of any roadblocks his RA may throw his way. Cheering for him, cheering for both of you. And you're rocking that dress, too, btw!


Gaelen: Thanks! I know, he's such a great chef. I'm lucky I know that from personally experiencing his food. Now he's in the final 3- but the RA is taking its toll. I hope he pulls through!

Liz- you really should. totally worth it!

Helen- thanks! Hope you can check it out.

Becky- thanks!

Hilary- glad you found me! Yeah, you wouldn't know from watching that Chef Mullen has RA, would you.

Cat- thanks!

Valley writer- yay!

Pat Steer (Gaelen)

tonight's episode (final three) looks like Seamus is in a great deal of pain - I know it was filmed weeks ago, but I'm thinking my strongest thoughts for him right now!


Gaelen- I know!!!!!!! It is really hard to watch this episode. It breaks my heart a little because you can see the pain on his face more than anything, and I know what that is like- we all do. arg. damn RA!


I have RA too. I am in Culinary school. I find that the teachers are not treating me well bacuase of my RA. We had a fund raising dinner, They put me bussing after I told the teacher, Secretary the school Dr and disability services that I could not do it, I have RA. Because of that my hands are swollen and have developed lumps!! I just heard about Chef Mullen and RA.... It gives me some hope!

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