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July 22, 2009


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Score one more victory over RA!!


Way to go Sara!! I went this same route a few years ago and was equally as proud of myself as you are! It's a great feeling :) Haven't tried the yoga yet, but I am seriously considering it...


Good for you!!!! I think being able to "take back" things like this make us feel so much more in control. How's the move prep coming?


I still have been battling weight with arthritis....it's a bitch to get off!!!!


M-you bet!
Claire- Thanks- it is a great feeling, there is no doubt about it. I would definitely recommend the yoga (though you have to find a good teacher)
Amanda- yes, taking back things is so great and feels, well, awesome. Move prep is a lot further along since you asked, but going well!!!! Can't wait.
Britta- yeah, it really is. there is no easy way around it at all, unfortunately! Hope you are doing well.

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