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March 23, 2009


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How wonderfully exciting. I've signed up for classes at my gym but I'm feeling a little afraid of my gimpyness.

You are quite the inspiration. I so need to find that buzzy place.


Ah, the buzzy place. It's so good! I hope your class goes well despite the gimpyness, and hey, Cheers to you for just signing up!


You're right---there is something wonderful about yoga in a studio. There's great karma there!


This is a really motivating post! Wow! Any little bit of life we can reclain is exciting but to have reclaimed one that is also so beneficial is so exciting. Thanks for sharing with us. Cathy


I am so happy for you. Wishing you many more wonderful sessions.


You may not have cried, but I did reading it. I have really missed my volleyball, walking and golf. Though today is a crappy day, I'm starting to work out a little and hope to play again at some level. And now that the weather is warmer, I can walk more too. Thanks for sharing. Your openess is so helpful.


Millicent-I know, somehow practicing with a group in a space that is dedicated to yoga is a very different, and usually great, experience.

Cathy-thanks! It does feel good to get each little thing back, bit by bit.

Smita-thank you!

Liz-sorry to make you cry! It's good to hear from you, even though you are having a crappy day. I agree-I'm hoping the warmer weather will make it possible to walk outside again, and might also make our joints a little more cooperative. Be well.

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