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July 20, 2008


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For what it's worth, I think you are handling this major roadblock with grace & spunk!Yet another warrior in our family!


Amen and Amen!

Courtney W

Oh my gosh! You said this very well. I have RA and healthy people always say things like "I know exactly how you feel, I hit my knee on the table". Or, "just exercise -- it's good for you". Just acknowledge that I am really trying to make it through the day. That's it! I've been reading your blog for awhile and I think you have been handling this very well. Hang in there!


Hi Courtney- thanks for leaving a comment. I'm happy you found me!


Well said. But I confess, I can see myself as being one of those people who say, "Now is the time to have RA." I get so excited about what's happening in medicine, that I forget about the fact that the conditions still SUCK. Man, I feel for you and I wish I could see you and give you a hug when you visit Catherine later this week. Your blog is a beacon of strength.


Hey Jeff,
well, you're right-it is a really exciting time in medicine, and I know that is what most people mean when they say that. I'm bummed i'll miss you in SF this weekend, but can't WAIT to hear all about what you are up to in Madison....


Hi, is it possible to e-mail you? You can e-mail me if that's easier for you: jbuchanan AT THCN DOT COM

A Child of God

I just stumbled upon your blog tonight. I too have RA and don't really think it is a good time. There were a lot of other things I would have rather done with my twenties and thirties.
One of my previous physicians told me that RA really wasn't all that bad?!?! Really? Tell that to my back- it seems to think otherwise.
Anyway- enjoy your blog and appreciate being able to read your story. Will keep on reading-


I'm glad you found me- I can't imagine being told by a physician that RA isn't so bad. Who are they kidding (and where do they get off?)


Thank you for this. I'm 24 and was just diagnosed about a month ago. I'm already frustrated with some of the "optimistic" comments when I'm struggling trying to work through pain to do things that most people do not even think about. It helps to know that other people share the same experience.


It is so cathartic to read this. I was diagnosed when I was 17. It never quite gets easier.


I got diagnosed about a week ago. I'm loving hearing what you have to say. Thank you!!

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