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June 22, 2008


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What does a mother say to her child who is going through this nightmare (& that's exactly what it was at the onset)? While it is difficult to read some of this, I am hanging on each word & anxious for the next installment. My mantras are: 1) Stay in the moment. 2) Always have chocolate nearby! 3) Better living through chemistry. 4) Let it go. 5) Breathe! You are amazing & strong. You have our unconditional & never-ending love & support forever! And to quote a very wise woman, "Smile! It increases your face value!"


My name is Jennifer and I've got RA too. I just discovered your blog today and I've really enjoyed it; you've got such a fun way of expressing yourself! I look forard to hearing more about what happened after your dx. . .


Hey Jennifer-thanks! I've just discovered your blog, too, so I'm looking forward to keeping up with that.
more posts on the way...


OMG, it's like I wrote this! I'm 25 and I have "inflammatory arthritis", basically they just don't know for sure that it's RA, but given my symptoms and the fact that my mom has it, my grandpa, my great-grandpa, it's pretty much looking that way, just don't have the positive bloodwork to back it up. I know exactly what you mean about going to the doctor for the first, and even 2nd, 3rd, etc times. It feels so huge to you, but so routine to them. I also had to see a cardiologist, ophthalmologist, etc. I'm also currently on Plaquenil and Naproxen. It's really nice to have another young woman that can relate and I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for making me feel slightly more "normal"! :)

Bek C

Thanks for writing this! I have my first Rheumy appointment later this week,
I consider finding your blog (by googling!) a sign that it's all going to work out just fine because Nov 7 is my birthday...
Hope you are doing well! Off to read more! Just wanted to say hello.
I love your mom's advice above!
Best wishes,


Hi! 29 year old just diagnosed...I know this is an old post but I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your story so the rest of us don't feel alone!!!


Hi Jamie,
Thanks for leaving a comment- that's exactly why I started the blog, so I'm glad you found it.
Take care-


I know this is a really old post and maybe you won't get it but I was so encouraging to hear that someone else had the same sinking fear of being put on mtx as I am having (newly diagnosed and still haven't decided on treatment protocol). I'm a completely moderate drinker but that's just it - I'm not going to let this disease take everything pleasurable out of my life! I am so dreading the conversation with my doctor about this issue as they told me last time they prescribe mtx initially as the "gold standard" before anything else. I'm just going to breath deep and be honest about it..its just not going to work for me...it was hard enough giving it up during pregnancy and I play to never go that long without a drink again! :-)
... Great blog - have been reading this nightly!


Im 34 and I was diagnosed a year ago with RA. Since then Ive quit my job and Im moving back home to be closer to family. Some mornings I can barely walk..I would like to meet people my age who know what Im going through.


I was diagnosed with RA 3 months ago and just went to my first DR appointment, He put me on plaquenil, my question is, How long did you take plaquenil? Did it work for you? Why your Dr gave you other drug latter?

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